If you have suggestions for other books and peer-reviewed journal articles to be listed under these categories, please email us at
Alford, C.F.
2002. Whistleblowers: Broken Lives and Organizational Power Barbour, I.G. 1980.
Technology, environment, and human values Barnaby, W. 2000. Science, technology, and social responsibility Interdisciplinary Science reviews 25 (1):20–23.
Beckwith, J. 1972. Science for the people Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 196 (4):236–240.
Beckwith, J., and F. Huang. 2005. Should we make a fuss? A case for social responsibility in science Nature Biotechnology 23 (12):1479–1480.
Burhop, E.H.S. 1971. The British Society for social responsibility in science Physics Education 6:140.
Collins, F. 1972. Social ethics and the conduct of science — Specialization and the fragmentation of responsibility Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 196 (4):213–222. Des Jardin, J.R. 2005.
Environmental ethics: An introduction to environmental philosophy Douglas, H. 2009.
Science, policy, and the value-free ideal Edsall, J.T. 1975. Scientific freedom and responsibility Science 188 (4189):687–693.
Edsall, J.T. 1981. Two aspects of scientific responsibility. Science 212 (4490):11–14. Enginering, and Public Policy Committee on Science, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and Institute of Medicine. 2009.
On being a scientist: A guide to responsible conduct in research Fleddermann, C.B. 2011.
Engineering ethics Forge, J. 2000. Moral responsibility and the 'ignorant scientist' Science and Engineering Ethics 6 (3):341–349.
Forge, J. 2008.
The Responsible Scientist
Galston, A.W. 1972.Science and social responsibility — A case history Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 196 (4):223–235.
Glazer, M.P.
Guidotti, T.L. 1994. Critical science and the critique of technology Public Health reviews 22:235–250. Harris, C.E., M.S. Pritchard, and M.J. Rabins. 2008.
Engineering ethics: Concepts and cases Hartman, L.P. 2001. Technology and Ethics: Privacy in the Workplace Business and Society Review 106(1):1-37. Huesemann, M.H. 2002. The inherent biases in environmental research and their effects on public policy Futures 34:621–633. Jonas, H. 1973. Technology and responsibility — Reflections on the new tasks of ethics. Social Research 40 (Spring):31–54. Jonas, H. 1985.
The imperative of responsibility: In search of an ethics for the technological age Kempner, J., C.S. Perlis and J.F. Merz. 2005. Forbidden knowledge Science 307 (11 February):854. Kincaid, H., J. Dupre, and A.Wylie. 2007.
Value-free science? Ideals and illusion Krimsky, S.
Science in the private interest: Has the lure of profits corrupted biomedical research? Lacey, H. 2004.
Is science value free? Values and scientific understanding Layton, E. 1986.
The revolt of the engineers: Social responsibility and the American engineering profession Leitenberg, M. 1971. Social responsibility (II) — The classical scientific ethic and strategic-weapons development. Impact of Science on Society 21 (2):123–136.
Longino, H.E.
Science as social knowledge: Values and objectivity in scientific inquiry Lowrance, W.W. 1985.
Modern science and human values Luppicini, R., and R. Adell. 2008.
Handbook of research on technoethics Luppicini, R. 2010.
Technoethics and the evolving knowledge society: Ethical issues in technological design, research, development, and innovation Macrina, F.L. 2005.
Scientific integrity: Text and cases in responsible conduct of research Martin, M.W. 2004.
Ethics in engineering Mitcham, C. 2005.
Encyclopedia of science technology and ethics
Proctor, R.N.
Value-free science? Purity and power in modern knowledge
Proctor, R.N.
Cancer wars: How politics shapes what we know and don't know about cancer Proctor, R.N., and L. Schiebinger. 2008.
Agnotology: The making and unmaking of ignorance
Ravetz, J.R.
The merger of knowledge with power: Essays in critical science
Ravetz, J.R.
Scientific knowledge and its social problems
Rose, S., and H. Rose. 1971. Social responsibility (III) — The myth of the neutrality of science. Impact of Science on Society 21 (2):137–149. Tavani, H.T. 2010.
Ethics and technology: Controversies, questions, and strategies for ethical computing Van de Poel, I., and L. Royakkers.
Ethics, technology, and engineering: An introduction Weed, D.L., and R.E. McKeown. 2003. Science and social responsibility in public health Environmental Health Perspectives 111 (14):1804–1808. Winston, M., and R. Edelbach. 2011.
Society, ethics, and technology Ziman, J. 1971. Social responsibility (I) — The impact of social responsibility on science. Impact of Science on Society 21 (2):113–122.
Abbasi, S.A. and N. Abbasi. 2000. The likely adverse environmental impact of renewable energy sources Applied Energy 65(1-4):122–144.
Bezdek, R.H. 1993. The environmental, health, and safety implications of solar energy in central station power production Energy 8 (6):681–685.
Clarke, A. 1994. Comparing the impacts of renewables International Journal of Ambient Energy 5 (2):59–72. Elliott, D. 2010.
Sustainable energy: Opportunities and limitations Giampietro, M., S. Ulgiati and D. Pimentel. 1997. Feasibility of large-scale biofuel production Bioscience 47 (9):587–600.
Hill, J., E. Nelson, D. Tilman, S. Polaksy and D. Tiffany. 2006. Environmental, economic, and energetic costs and benefits of biodiesel and ethanol biofuels Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 103 (30):11206–11210.
Holdren, J.P., G. Morris and I. Mintzer. 1980. Environmental aspects of renewable energy sources Annual Review Energy 5 (241–291).
Huesemann, M.H. 2001.Can pollution problems be effectively solved by environmental science and technology? An analysis of critical limitations Ecological Economics 37:271–287.
Huesemann, M.H. 2006. Can advances in science and technology prevent global warming? A critical review of limitations and challenges Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 11:539–577.
King, C.W., and M.E. Webber. 2008. Water intensity in transportation Environmental Science and Technology 42 (21):7866–7872.
King, J., and M. Slesser. 1995. Can the world make the transition to a sustainable economy driven by solar energy? International Journal Environment and Pollution 5 (1):14–29. MacKay, D.J.C. 2009.
Sustainable energy - Without the hot air Pimentel, D. 2003. Ethanol fuels — Energy balance, economics, and environmental impacts are negative Natural Resources Research 12 (2):127–134.
Pimentel, D., C. Fried, L. Olson, S. Schmidt, K. Wagner-Johnson, A. Westman, A. Whelan, K. Foglia, P. Poole, T. Klein, R. Sobin and A. Bochner. 1984. Environmental and social costs of biomass energy Bioscience 34 (2):89–94.
Pimentel, D., M. Herdendorf, S. Eisenfeld, L. Olander, M. Carroquino, C. Corson, J. McDade, Y. Chung, W. Cannon, J. Roberts, L. Bluman and J. Gregg. 1994. Achieving a secure energy future — Environmental and economic issues Ecological Economics 9:201–219.
Pimentel, D., and T.W. Patzek. 2005. Ethanol production using corn, switch grass, and wood; Biodiesel production using soybean and sunflower Natural Resources Research 14 (1):65–76.
Brueckner, L. Trovato, C. Chow, U. Govindarajulu and S. Boerke. 1994. Renewable energy — Economic and environmental issues Bioscience 44:536–547.
Rojstaczer, S., S.M. Sterling and N.J. Moore. 2001. Human appropriation of photosynthesis products Science 294:2549–2552.
Scharlemann, J.P.W., and W.F. Laurance. 2008. How green are biofuels? Science 319:43–44.
Searchinger, T., R. Heimlich, R.A. Houghton, F. Dong, A. Elobeid, J. Fabriosa, S. Tokgoz, D. Hayes and R.H. Yu. 2008. Use of U.S. croplands for biofuels increases greenhouse gases through emissions form land-use change Science 319:1238–1240.
Trainer, T. 1995. Can renewable energy sources sustain affluent society? Energy Policy 23 (12):1009–1026.
Vitousek, P.M., P.R. Ehrlich, A.H. Ehrlich and P.A. Matson. 1986. Human appropriations of the products of photosynthesis Bioscience 36 (6):368–373.
Wright, D.H. 1990. Human impacts on energy flow through natural ecosystems, and implications for species endangerment Ambio 19 (4):189–194.
Common, M., and S. Stagl. 2005. Ecological Economics: An Introduction Costanza, R., D. Stern, L. He, and C. Ma. 2004. Influential Publications in Ecological Economics: A Citation Analysis Ecological Economics 50(3-4):261-292. Daly, H. 1994. Steady-state economics. In Ecology — Key concepts in critical theory, edited by C. Merchant. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press. Daly, H. 2005.Economics in a full world Scientific American (September):100–107.
Daly, H., ed.
Economics, ecology, ethics: Essays toward a steady-state economy
Daly, H. 1996.
Beyond growth: The economics of sustainable development Daly, H., and J.B. Cobb. 1994.
For the common good: Redirecting the economy toward community, the environment, and a sustainable future Daly, H., and J. Farley. 2010.
Ecological economics: Principles and applications
N. 1971.
The entropy law and the economic process
Georgescu-Roegen, N. 1977. The steady-state and ecological salvation — A thermodynamic analysis Bioscience 27 (4):266–270. Goldstein, E.S. 2010.
Economics and the environment Hamilton, C.
2004. Growth fetish Meadows, D., J.
Randers and D. Meadows. 2004.
Limits to growth: The 30-year update Meadows, D. H.
Limits to growth Sahlins, M. 2003.
Stone age economics
Berry, W. 1977.
The unsettling of America: Culture and agriculture
Bosch, R. van
den. 1978.
The pesticide conspiracy Carson, R. 2002.
Silent spring
Clemings, R.
Mirage: The false promise of desert agriculture
Fox, M.W. 1997.
Eating with conscience: Bioethics for consumers
Glennon, R. 2009.
Unquenchable: America's water crisis and what to do about it Kimbrell, A., 2002.
The fatal harvest reader: The tragedy of industrial agriculture
Krebs, A.V.
Corporate reapers: The book of agribusiness
Nestle, M. 2002.
Food politics: How the food industry influences nutrition, and health
Perelman, M.
Farming for profit in a hungry world: Capital and the crisis in agriculture Pearce, F. 2007.
When the rivers run dry: Water, the defining crisis of the twenty-first century Pimentel, D., C. Harvey, P. Resosudarmo, K. Sinclair, D. Kurz, M. McNair, S. Crist, L. Shpritz, L. Fitton, R. Saffouri and R. Blair. 1995. Environmental and economic costs of soil erosion and conservation benefits Science 267:1117–1123.
Pimentel, D., J. Krummel, D. Gallahan, J. Hough, A. Merrill, I. Schreiner, P. Vittum, E. Back, D. Yen and S. Fiance. 1979.Benefits and costs of pesticide use in U.S. food production Bioscience 28 (12):772–784.
Pimentel, D.,
and H. Lehman, eds. 1993.
The pesticide question: Environment, economics, and ethics
Postel, S.L.
Pillar of sand: Can the irrigation miracle last?
Postel, S.L., G.C. Daily and P.R. Ehrlich. 1996.Human appropriation of renewable fresh water Science 271:785–788.
Rifkin, J. 1992.
Beyond beef: The rise and fall of the cattle culture
Reisner, M.
Cadillac desert: The American West and its disappearing water Schlosser, E. 2005.
Fast food nation: The dark side of the all-American meal
Shiva, V. 1993.
Monocultures of the mind: Perspectives on biodiversity and biotechnology
Shiva, V. 2000.
Stolen harvest: The hijacking of the global food supply Shiva, V., 2008.
Soil not oil: Environmental justice in an age of climate crisis Simon, M. 2006.
Appetite for profit: How the food industry undermines our health and how to fight back
Winston, M.L.
Nature wars: People versus pests
Cohen, J.E.
How many people can the Earth support?
Daily, G.C., A.H. Ehrlich and P.R. Ehrlich. 1994. Optimum human population size Population and Environment 15 (6):469–475.
Deevey, E.S. 1960. The human population. Scientific American 203:195–204.
Ehrlich, P.R.,
and A.H. Ehrlich. 1991.
The population explosion
Ehrlich, P.R., and J. Holdren. 1971. Impact of population growth Science 171:1212–1217.
Grant, L., ed.
Elephants in the Volkswagen: Facing the tough questions about our overcrowded country
Grant, L. 1996.
Juggernaut: Growth on a finite planet
Hall, C.A., R.G. Pontius, L. Coleman and J. Ko. 1994. The environmental consequences of having a baby in the United States Population and Environment 15 (6):505–524.
Harris, M., and
E.B. Ross. 1987.
Death, sex, and fertility: Population regulation in preindustrial and developing societies
Harte, J. 2007. Human population as a dynamic factor in environmental degradation Population and Environment 28:223–236.
Holdren, J.P. 1991. Population and the energy problem: Population and Environment A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 12 (3):231–255.
Murtaugh, P.A., and M.G. Schlax. 2009. Reproduction and the carbon legacies of individuals Global Environmental Change 19:14–20.
O'Neill, B.C.,
LF. MacKellar and W. Lutz. 2001.
Population and climate change
O'Neill, B.C., and L. Wexler. 2000. The greenhouse externality to childbearing — A sensitivity analysis Climatic Change 47:283–324. Pimentel, D. et al. 1994. Natural resources and an optimum human population Population and Enviroment 15(5):347-369. Pimentel, D., and M. Giampietro. 1994. Implications of the limited potential of technology to increase the carrying capacity of our planet. Human Ecology Review Summer/Autumn (1):248–250.
Susiarjo, G., S.N. Sreenath and A.M. Vali. 2006. Optimum supportable global population — water accounting and dietary consideration Environment, Development and Sustainability 8:313–349. Weeks, J.R. 2011.
Population: An introduction to concepts and issues
Allenby, B.R.
Industrial ecology: Policy framework and implementation
Allenby, B.R.,
and D.J. Richards, eds. 1994.
The greening of industrial ecosystems Atkinson, G., S. Dietz, and E. Neumayer. 2009.
Handbook of sustainable development
Altieri, M.A.
Agroecology: The science of sustainable agriculture
Ayres, R.U., and
L.W. Ayres. 1996.
Industrial ecology: Towards closing the materials cycle
Ayres, R.U., and
U.E. Simonis, eds. 1994.
Industrial metabolism: Restructuring for sustainable development Beder, S. 2007.
Environmental principles and policies: An interdisciplinary introduction Braungart, M., and W. McDonough. 2002.
Cradle to cradle: Remaking the way we make things
Cavanagh, J.,
and J. Mander, eds. 2004.
Alternatives to economic globalization: A better world is possible
Chapman, A.R.,
R.L. Petersen and B. Smith-Moran, eds. 2000.
Consumption, population, and sustainability: Perspectives from science and religion
Commoner, B.
The closing circle: Nature, man, and technology
Costanza, R., and H.E. Daly. 1992. National capital and sustainable development. Conservation Biology 6:37–46.
Cooper, T. 2005. Slower consumption — Reflections on product life spans and the throwaway society Journal of Industrial Ecology 9 (1–2):51–67.
Cotgrove, S.
Catastrophe or cornucopia: The environment, politics and the future
Daly, H.E., and
J. Cobb. 1989.
For the common good: Redirecting the economy toward community, the environment, and a sustainable future
DeSimone, L.D.,
and F. Popoff. 1997.
Eco-Efficiency: The business link to sustainable development Devall, B., and G. Sessions. 2001.
Deep ecology: Living as if nature mattered
Diamond, J.
Collapse: How societies choose to fail or succeed Diesendorf, M., and C. Hamilton. 1997.
Human ecology, human economy: Ideas for an ecologically sustainable future
Dower, R. 1997.
Frontiers of sustainability: Environmentally sound agriculture, forestry, transportation, and power production
Dresner, S.
The principles of sustainability Edwards, A.R., and B. McKibben. 2010.
Thriving beyond sustainability: Pathways to a resilient society Ehrlich, P.R. 1989. The limits to substitution — Meta-resource depletion and a new economic-ecological paradigm Ecological Economics 1:9–16.
Ehrlich, P.R., and D. Kennedy. 2005. Millennium assessment of human behavior Science 309 (July 22):562–563. Elliott, D. 1997.
Energy, society and environment
Goodland, R.,
H.E. Daly, and S.E. Serafy, eds. 1992.
Population, technology, and lifestyle: The transition to sustainability
Graedel, T.E.,
and B.R. Allenby. 1995.
Industrial ecology Jackson, T. 2011.
Prosperity without growth: Economics for a finite planet Hardin, G. 1968. The tragedy of the commons Science 162:1243-1248. Hawken, P. 2010.
The ecology of commerce: A declaration of sustainability Heinberg, R. 2011.
The end of growth: Adapting to our new economic reality Huesemann, M.H. 2003. The limits of technological solutions to sustainable development Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 5:21–34.
Huesemann, M.H., and J.A. Huesemann. 2008. Will progress in science and technology avert or accelerate global collapse? A critical analysis and policy recommendations Environment, Development and Sustainability 10:787–825. Huesemann, M.H., and J.A. Huesemann. 2011.
Techno-Fix: Why technology won't save us or the environment Martenson, C. 2011.
The crash course: The unsustainable future of our economy, energy, and environment McKibben, B. 2008.
Deep economy: The wealth of communities and the durable future Meadows, D.H. 1972.
Limits to growth Naess, A., and D. Rothenberg, D. 1993.
Ecology, community and lifestyle: Outline of an ecosophy
Reid, D.. 1995.
Sustainable development: An introductory guide Rogers, P., K.F. Jalal, and J.A. Boyd. 2007.
An introduction to sustainable development
Tainter, J.A.
The collapse of complex societies
Trainer, T.
The conserver society: Alternatives for sustainability Turner, G. 2008. A comparison of the limits to growth with 30 years of reality. Global Environmental Change 18:397-411. Turner, G. 2012. On the cusp of global collapse: Updated comparison of The Limits to Growth with historical data GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 21(2):116-124. Van der Straaten, J., and J. Van den Bergh. 1994.
Toward sustainable development: Concepts, methods, and policy Von Weizsacker, E.U., C. Hargroves, M.H. Smith, C. Desha, and P. Stasinopoulos. 2009.
Factor five: Transforming the global economy through 80% improvements in resource productivity
Wackernagel, M.,
and W.E. Rees. 1996.
Our ecological footprint: Reducing human impact on the Earth
Weizsacker, E.
von, and J. Jesinghous. 1992.
Ecological tax reform: A policy proposal for sustainable development Welford, R. 1997.
Hijacking environmentalism: Corporate responses to sustainable development Wessel, T. 2006.
The myth of progress: Toward a sustainable future World Commission On Environment and Development. 1987.
Our common future
Goodell, J.
How to cool the planet: Geoengineering and the audacious quest to fix Earth's climate
Huesemann, M.H. 2006. Can advances in science and technology prevent global warming? A critical review of limitations and challenges Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 11:539–577.
Kintisch, E.
Hack the planet: Science's best hope - or worst nightmare - for averting climate catastrophe
Teller, E., L. Wood and R. Hyde. 1997. Global warming and the ice ages — I. Prospects for physics-based modulation of global change In 22nd International Seminar on Planetary Emergencies. Erice (Sicily), Italy: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
Allhoff, F., P. Lin, J. Moor, J. Weckert, and M. C. Roco. 2007.
Nanoethics: The ethical and social implications of nanotechnology Bennett-Woods, D. 2008.
Nanotechnology: Ethics and society Cummings, C.H. 2009.
Uncertain peril: Genetic engineering and the future of seeds Druker, S. 2012.
Altered genes, twisted truth: How the venture to genetically engineer our food has subverted science, corrupted government, and systematically deceived the public Ho, M.W. 1998. Genetic engineering - dream or nightmare? The brave new world of bad science and big business Khan, A.S. 2012.
Nanotechnology: Ethical and social implications Lappe, M., and
B. Bailey. 1998. Against the grain: Biotechnology and the corporate takeover of your food Mehlman, M.J. 2012.
Transhumanist dreams and dystopian nightmares: The promise and peril of genetic engineering
Rifkin, J. 1998.
The biotech century: Harnessing the gene and remaking the world
Rissler, J., and
M. Mellon. 1996.
The ecological risks of engineered crops Russo, E. 1998.
Genetic engineering: Dreams and nightmares Shatkin, J.A. 2012.
Nanotechnology: Health and environmental risks
Callahan, D.
What kind of life? The limits of medical progress
Callahan, D.
False hopes: Overcoming the obstacles to a sustainable, affordable medicine
Colen, B.D.
Hard choices: Mixed blessings of modern medical technology
Deyo, R.A., and
D.L. Patrick. 2005.
Hope or hype: The obsession with medical advances and the high cost of false promises
Dixon, B. 1978.
Beyond the magic bullet
Epstein, S.S.
The politics of cancer revisited Epstein, S.S. 2005.
Cancer-Gate: How to win the losing cancer war Fries, J.F., C.E. Koop, C.E. Beadle, P.P. Cooper, M.J. England, R.F. Greaves, J.J. Sokolov and D. Wright. 1993. Reducing health care costs by reducing the need and demand for medical services The New England Journal of Medicine 329 (5):321–325.
Ginzberg, E. 1990. High-tech medicine and rising health care costs Journal of the American Medical Association 263 (13):1820–1822.
Illich, I. 2000.
Medical nemesis: The expropriation of health
Jennett, B.
High technology medicine: Benefits and burdens Kimbrell, A. 1997.
The Human Body Shop: The Engineering and Marketing of Life
Kohn, L.T., J.M.
Corrigan and M.S. Donaldson. 2001.
To err is human: Building a safer health system
Konner, M. 1993.
The trouble with medicine
Levy, S.B. 2002.
The antibiotic paradox: How the misuse of antibiotics destroys their curative powers
McKeown, T.
The role of medicine: Dream, mirage, or nemesis?
McKinlay, J.B. 1981. From "Promising Report" to "Standard Procedure" — Seven stages in the career of a medical innovation Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, Health and Society 59 (3):374–411.
McKinlay, J.B., and S.M. McKinlay. 1977. The questionable contribution of medical measures to the decline of mortality in the United States in the twentieth century Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, Health and Society 55:405–428. Mahar, M. 2006.
Money-driven medicine: The real reason health care costs so much
Moss, R.W. 1996.
The cancer industry Moynihan, R. 2006.
Selling sickness: How the world's biggest pharmaceutical companies are turning us all into patients Relman, A.S. 1980. The new medical-industrial complex New England Journal of Medicine 303 (17):963–970.
Sherrow, V.
Bioethics and high-tech medicine
Silverman, M.,
and P.R. Lee. 1974.
Pills, profits, and politics
Stokstad, E. 2000. Drug-resistant TB on the rise Science 287 (March 31).
Taylor, R. 1979.
Medicine out of control: The anatomy of a malignant technology
Achterhuis, H. 2001.
American philosophy of technology: The empirical turn Drengson, A. 1995.
The practice of technology: Exploring technology, ecophilosophy, and spiritual disciplines for vital links Dusek, V. 2006.
Philosophy of technology: An introduction Ferre, F. 1995.
Philosophy of technology Feenberg, A. 1999.
Questioning technology Heidegger, M. 1982.
The question concerning technology, and other essays Idhe, D. 1998.
Philosophy of technology Kaplan, D.M. 2009.
Readings in the philosophy of technology Meijers, A.W.M., D.M. Gabbay, P. Thagard, and J. Woods. 2009.
Philosophy of technology and engineering sciences Mitcham, C. 1994.
Thinking through technology: The path between engineering and philosophy Olsen, J.K.B., S.A. Pedersen, and V.F. Hendricks. 2009.
A companion to the philosophy of technology Scharff, R., and V. Dusek. 2003.
Philosophy of technology: The technological condition - An anthology
Bereano, P. 1977.
Technology as a social and political phenomenon Braun, E. 2009.
Futile progress: Technology's empty promise Cowan, R.S. 1985.
More work for mother: The ironies of household technology from the open hearth to the microwave Dickson, D. 1977.
Politics of alternative technology Easton, T. 2011.
Taking sides: Clashing views in science, technology, and society Ellul, J. 1967.
The technological society Feenberg, A. 2002. Transforming technology: A critical theory revisited Fromm, E. 2010.
The revolution of hope: Toward a humanized technology Hazeltine, B. and C. Bull. 1998.
Appropriate technology: Tools, choices and implications Huesemann, M.H., and J.A. Huesemann. 2011.
Techno-Fix: Why technology won't save us or the environment Kleinman, D.L. 2000.
Science, technology, and democracy MacKenzie, D., and J. Wajcman. 1999.
The social shaping of technology McGinn, R.E. 1990.
Science, technology and society Mesthene, E.G. 1970.
Technological change: Its impact on man and society Mumford, L. 2010.
Technics and civilization Postman, N. 1993.
Technopoly: The surrender of culture to technology Rescher, N. 1980.
Unpopular essays on technological progress Rhodes, R. 2000.
Visions of technology: A century of vital debate about machines, systems, and the human world Sarewitz, D. 1996.
Frontiers of illusion: Science, technology and the politics of progress Schnaiberg, A., and K.A. Gould. 2000.
Environment and society: The enduring conflict Schumacher, E.F. 1989.
Small is beautiful: Economics as if people mattered Schwartz, E.S. 1971.
Overskill: The decline of technology in modern civilization, Sclove, R.E. 1995.
Democracy and technology Segal, H.P. 1994.
Future imperfect: The mixed blessings of technology in America Smith, M.R., and L. Marx. 1994.
Does technology drive history? The dilemma of technological determinism Street, J. 1992.
Politics and technology Susskind, C. 1973.
Understanding technology
Teich, A.H. 2012.
Technology and the future Tenner, E. 1996.
Why things bite back: Technology and the revenge of unintended consequences Winner, L. 1978.
Autonomous technology: Technics-out-of-control as a theme in political thought Zerzan, J., and A. Carnes.
Questioning technology: Tool, toy or tyrant
Anderson, C.A., and B.J. Bushman. 2002. The effects of media violence on society Science 295:2377-2379. Carr, N. 2011. The shallows: What the internet is doing to our brains Gitlin, T. 1972. Sixteen notes on television and the movement. Triquarterly (Winter-Spring):356. Kubey, R., and M. Csikszentmihalyi. 2002. Television addiction is no mere metaphor. Scientific American (February):74-80. Mander, J. 1978.
Four arguments for the elimination of television Pawlowsk, C. 2000.
Glued to the tube: The threat of television addiction to today's family Sigman, A. 2007.
Remotely controlled: How television is damaging our lives Turkle, S. 1997.
Life on the screen: Identity in the age of the internet Turkle, S. 2012. Alone together: Why we expect more from technology and less from each other